Assassin's Creed III

Year made: 2012

Basic plot line:

The game tells the stories of Haytham Kenway and Ratonhnhaké:ton, set in the American Northeast from 1754 - 1783, during the American Revolutionary War. It also concludes the modern day story of their descendant Desmond Miles.


What I liked:

Entirely new game. Everything changed. New controls, new graphics, new engine, new skills, new assassin, new features. This game completely changed Assassin's Creed as a series. The one amazing thing they added was ships. This set them up for AC IV, which I can't wait to play.

What I disliked:

Entirely new game. Completely different controls. After playing the previous games I got used to a specific control setup, and they completely change it. However, after the learning curve I realize it is a better system. The graphics change and engine change should have made this a good game, however, there were some fundamental flaws. Assassin's Creed is about climbing tall buildings and running on rooftops, not touching the ground. AC III takes place in Colonial America. Enough said about that. Assassin's Creed is a semi-educational game; since AC II facts about everything pop up all over the place. But, what happens if you see historical inaccuracies unfold before your very eyes? I got mad. All of the locations in the game are wrong. One example is that they put Johnstown, NY in Vermont. They forgot major events, such as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World," which was completely disregarded, even though you could have done something awesome with it, like inadvertently cause it yourself. Finally, the British historian is a total racist. Constantly brining up the fact that George Washington had slaves, although everyone knows that he had slaves because that was how things were back then, and he freed them upon his death.

Another thing that really irked me was the fast travel in this game. Since AC II there has been a game mechanic called fast travel. What fast travel does is it allows you to travel to different parts of the map, or different cities, easily. In AC II you had a small amount of Fast Travel Stations that you had to go to in order to fast travel to another one. In Brotherhood you had to unlock each fast travel station, then when you wanted to fast travel you had to go to one you unlocked to fast travel to another one you unlocked. On the bright side there were so many more fast travel stations in Brotherhood than there were in II, making fast travel easier. Revelations was the same as Brotherhood, the only difference being you start with all the fast travel stations unlocked. Great! Then, you get to AC III. You start off by hearing that you don't need to go to a fast travel station to fast travel, just open the map and click on a fast travel station, granted you unlocked it first. Even better! Then, you realize that in order to unlock fast travel stations you need to go underground in the tunnel system and find them manually. All...alright. Then, you realize that there are a lot of dead ends and pointless paths in the tunnel system, and that it's not that straight forward. Then, you realize that the best way to go about it is to do the trick where you put your hand on one wall and just keep walking (no, you don't literally put your hand on the wall in the game). Well, this sucks. Then, you get to a climbing puzzle and realize that instead of the well thought out Assassin Towers that were in the series since II you get this piece of crap game "minigame" that you have to do in order to get anywhere fast. I spent an hour and a half to get 7/11 points that I could fast travel to in New York. I really hated that change and I hope that for the other games they smartened up and gave us back the better version of the mechanic. But, knowing Ubisoft, and knowing AAA game developers, they don't care as long as you keep buying the games.

I can assure you this is everyone's, including mine, least favorite installment. That being said, still a good game, and mandatory to play for the story line. Just realize, that this is truly the downturn in the AC series.